September 21, 2021 by Vanessa

Important Reminders / Recordatorios Importantes

September 21, 2021













  • FREE DRESS TOMORROW FOR $1.00: Students who pay $1.00 do not have to wear their school uniform. Please make sure attire is appropriate and comfortable for school. Los estudiantes que paguen un dólar no tienen que usar uniforme. Por favor asegúrese de asegurarse que sea ropa apropiada y cómoda para la escuela. 
  •  PIZZA SALE AT RECESS TOMORROW FOR $1.00 (per slice): Pizza is available for purchase during recess time tomorrow. Please make sure to send exact change with your child. No large bills. Habrá venta de pizza mañana en la hora de recreo (un dólar por pedazo). Por favor de mandar cambio exacto. Favor de no mandar billetes grandes. 
  • CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER 9/21-10/4: Our chocolate fundraiser is officially underway! If you have not picked up your boxes, please make arrangements with the office. We have extra boxes of chocolates available if you would like to earn service hours. You will earn 10 hours for every additional box sold. Please contact the office if you are interested. Nuestra venta de chocolates ha comenzado. Si no ha recogido sus cajas, por favor de contactar a la oficina. Tenemos cajas adicionales disponibles si quieren vender más para obtener horas de servicio. Recibirá 10 horas por cada caja adicional que venda. Por favor de contactar la oficina si están interesados.
  • EMERGENCY CARDS & MEDIA RELEASE FORMS ARE DUE: Some students are still missing important paperwork that was sent home in the family envelope. If you have not done so already, please make sure to complete and send documents in as soon as possible. Algunos estudiantes aún no han entregado los documentos importantes que se mandaron en el sobre familiar. Si no lo han hecho, por favor de llenar los documentos y mandarlos lo más pronto posible. 



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